Sat. 1/21 – 12:30-7:30p & Sun. 12/22 – 12:30-4:30p
Cost – $275 Buy Now – click and scroll down
Pre-Requisite – Usui/Holy/Fire III™ Reiki I (if you have trained in another tradition contact Emily – emilypeterson10@gmail.com)
In this experiential workshop, you will learn the Level Two Reiki symbols. When used, these symbols unlock higher levels of healing, provide additional healing techniques, and enhance the benefits of Reiki healing. The Reiki II placement further refines and strengthens the Reiki energy. The Level Two training focuses on the symbols, with ample practice time included in the class.
The class material also includes:
- Brief discussion of Reiki I – sharing experiences since placement
- Reiki II placement
- Reiki II symbols – complete meanings, attributes, and usage
- Drawing and memorizing the symbols
- Informal “Test” on symbols
- Holy Love Experience
- Additional Japanese Reiki Techniques
- Using symbols in a Reiki treatment (Hands-on practice)
- Process for distance Reiki
- Distance Reiki Healing
- Additional Breath and Energy Circulation meditation and discussion
- Certificates and Closing
Ample time is allotted for both the hands-on body work and discussion with space for questions.
Reiki is the Japanese name for the energy that envelopes and interconnects all things. It comes from the Japanese words rei (which means holy, spirit, mystery, gift, universal) and ki (which means life force energy). Reiki is our essential life force and everything alive both contains and radiates it. It is the essential life force of the stars, the planets, and everything on earth; it is the source of life in its fundamental state. In the practice we refer to as reiki, this life force energy is spontaneously and effortlessly passed to the recipient through gentle, non-invasive placement of the hands above or lightly touching the recipient.
Most energy healing shares some basic concept of Universal Life Force Energy, however reiki works on the premise that we all have the innate ability to channel this energy to heal both ourselves and others. It is in our genetic make-up. The reiki practitioner simply needs to be attuned and then to step aside to act as a loving channel for the energy to flow.
What are the benefits of Reiki? Preliminary research shows that reiki may:
- decrease anxiety and depression
- provide inner peace and sense of well-being
- increase self-compassion
- lower blood pressure
- provide deep relaxation to encourage the body’s healing response
- decrease aches and pains
- provide deeper, more restful sleep· decrease recovery time from illness
More and more people are embracing reiki as a method of self-care and self-healing, as well as a means for deeper spiritual connection. It is also an incredible gift to offer friends and family, including our furry friends.
Cost – $275 Buy Now – click and scroll down