with Hannah Gould
3 Sessions: Sun. 11/9, 12/8, 1/5/20 – 2-4p (2 Sessions left)
All Three Classes:
Class One:
Class Two:
Class Three:
Join Hannah for this fun, creative and innovative workshop series. She is offering 3 sessions, all with a different focus. (Update – those who took the 1st session (11/9) LOVED it!! We still have 2 sessions left – we recommend attending both though you can also take a single class).
Buy single classes using links at bottom or top of page or order all three!
Strength and Mobility Flow integrates movements from yoga, Animal Flow and other bodyweight exercises to create a fun and flowing practice. Each workshop will provide a balanced whole-body workout with an emphasis on a particular area of the body. These Strength and Mobility Flow workshops will leave you feeling sweaty, empowered and ready to take on the world!
• Learn techniques to effectively access the strength you already have
• Move with more efficiency and fluidity
• Gain mobility and ease in your hips and shoulders
• Confidence and comfort in strong yoga poses such as chaturanga (low plank), chair pose and crow pose.
• Have fun! Be playful and creative with a wide variety of movements and exercises that might not be part of your current practice.
Testimonial from Hannah: “Many of you in the Laughing Dog community know me best as a restorative yoga teacher. When I’m not relaxing or meditating, my favorite thing to do is to play with movement. I recently completed a training in a ground-based fitness program called Animal Flow, which invites practitioners to move like apes, crabs, scorpions and beasts and to link these movements together with graceful flowing transitions. Integrating Animal Flow into my personal yoga and movement practice has absolutely made me stronger, more flexible and more motivated to get my body moving. Strength and Mobility Flow is a mix of all my favorite ways to move, and a celebration of the amazing things our bodies can do. Come play with me!
All Three Classes:
Class One:
Class Two:
Class Three:
Please note: Strength and Mobility Flow workshops will include weight-bearing exercises on the hands and knees. These workshops are recommended for those who are comfortable in this position.