Relax Your Shoulders, Liberate Your Neck
with Damian McCann
Join Damian for this in-depth immersion into the Franklin Method – a brilliant approach to anatomical embodiment that improves the way our bodies function not just in exercise but in everyday life, creating a peaceful mind & healthy body.
The focus of this Immersion is on the Shoulders, Neck and related organs. If you experience tense shoulders, a stiff neck or you just want to learn about how the shoulders are designed to move – then this immersion is for you. Learn imagery, touch and simple movement exercises to lengthen and balance shoulder and neck musculature. Gain insight into how the shoulder developed from a four-legged support situation through brachiation into free suspension. Experience how the design of the shoulder girdle suspends it from the ribcage. Learn how to melt away tension and associated mental anxiety. Let your shoulders and neck become a place of ease and peace.
You will also learn to use Franklin balls and elastic bands to create smooth joint action. These simple and effective ball and band exercises will incorporate all you have learned, allowing you to experience what healthy shoulder movement can truly be and how to apply it to every aspect of life, including the practice or teaching of any movement technique.
By the conclusion of this Immersion you will be on your way to experiencing suspended, free and easy shoulders and the proper placement of related organs to support this freedom and ease.
Damian is a FM trainer from NYC. He is a GREAT teacher. You will learn tons & walk away w/ knowledge that you can use on a daily basis.
Damian McCann has been studying and teaching the Franklin Method for twelve years and is a member of the Franklin Method teacher training faculty. In this time he has trained extensively with founder Eric Franklin and teaches weekly classes in NYC as well as workshops in US, Canada and Europe. His journey into the somatic arts began when he went in search of an alternative to surgery for his chronic back pain, spending many years traveling and studying with those he considered to be experts in the field of Movement Science and Energy Medicine. Damian is passionate about providing tools to facilitate radical change in body and mind, resulting in a whole new experience of pleasurable, healthy, and efficient movement in everyday life. His well rounded training also includes BodyTalk, Source Point Therapy, Yuen Method, Reflexology, Tui Na, Swedish and Sports Rehab Massage, Aromatherapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Matrix Energetics and he is a Reiki Master.